Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Christians Call Themselves on Twitter

Here's an interesting article on what Christians call themselves on Twitter. Apparently the term "Christian" is not-too-frequently used on the profiles of, well, Christians. The author observes, "But here’s what struck me. Very few used the word Christian, and no one used the word Evangelical- not a single profile in my wanderings."

The author of the article also lists some interesting profile descriptions he found with his snarky commentary in parentheses below...

"Jesus Adventurer (…and the Temple of Doom)
Undershephard of Jesus Christ (Looks great on a church business card)
Happy clappy Jesus lover (Mission strategy- balloon animals)
JesusFreak (The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland)
Advancer of the Kingdom (and Knight of the Communion Table)
Saint and sinner whose only hope is Jesus Christ (In other words, I’m still a jerk)
Jesus loves me (Maybe, but I’m his favorite)
Servant to the Son of Man (Award for most insider lingo in just six words)
Loved, redeemed (and understated)
Navigating the narrow path by God’s grace (But wide is the path that leads to cliches)
I don’t care where you bury me. I’ll be home, and I’ll be free. (And so will we)
Jesus took my wheel (but the NRA has my back)
Child of the King (King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia does have over 35 children you know)
Χριστιανός (English is so unsanctified)"

For what it's worth, I describe myself as an "Already, but not yet, resurrected fallen mann..." I guess I'm not as clever as I thought!

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